The Great Las Vegas Wargamers Mouse Challenge

Ok, so the Las Vegas Wargamers group on FaceBook had a modelling challenge for June: create something for wargaming out of an old computer mouse. Originally the brief was "tank" but it was pointed out that a lot of different things could be done with a mouse for wargaming. And so it began. In the end only three of us finished up by the June 30 deadline, so I thought I'd share what was presented.

To start, Daniel Liswood created a Victorian Science Fiction sky chariot. I thought this was wonderfully creative. Sadly, he only gave us one picture:

Next up, Steve Massey gave us a wonderful Waaa-Buggy to add to his ever growing Space Ork horde from the Warhamster 40,000 universe (I say "universe" instead of "game" because I'm not sure what he plays with these things!)

And finally, my submission: the M-69F Mouse scout tank. I took quite a few pictures showing it in a variety of different environments.



  1. Some great imaginative creations, I was wondering, how many additions did you have to add to your tank ?


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